Business Directory Go back to directory. No Photo Available Custer County – County Courthouse Custer County – County Courthouse Home 1010 Main St Miles City MT 59301 home Home Phone: *See the list belowhome Website: Custer County Biography Custer County Courthouse – 1010 Main St. Miles City MT 593001 Established in 1877, Custer County celebrates its rich, Western history. Today, many of our residents maintain a similar lifestyle with ranching and farming. Miles City, our county seat, still considers itself a western town, but while our tradition and hospitality is steeped in the Wild West, we offer plenty of 21st century services. Custer County, Montana, was, and sometimes still is, the real frontier. August 1876 marked the end of thousands of years of wilderness history and also the beginning of Wild West history. Named after General George A. Custer, Custer County and its largest city, Miles City, were at the epicenter of that history and have since been immortalized by authors and historic characters alike. Notes COUNTY APPRAISER/ASSESSMENT OFFICE 232-1295 (State Office in Courthouse) COUNTY ATTORNEY 874-3310 CEMETERY 234-3323 CLERK OF COURT 874-3326 CLERK & RECORDER 874-3343 COMMISSIONERS: Keith Holmlund 874-3350 Kevin Krausz 874-3351 Jason Strouf 874-3352 COUNCIL ON AGING 874-3482 COUNCIL ON AGING NURSES 874-6661 COUNTY TRANSIT (appointments) 874-2222 DES – EOC Building 874-3380 EOC DISPATCH (NON-EMERGENCY) 874-3411 EXTENSION 874-3370 FAIRGROUNDS 234-3756 JUSTICE COURT 874-3408 ROAD DEPARTMENT 232-1970 SHERIFF 874-3320 SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS (COUNTY) 874-3421 TREASURER 874-3427 WEED DEPARTMENT 874-3371